Thursday, March 2, 2017

What Makes you Smile? - Final Post

Hey Everyone!
     Today Smile is coming to an end. Sad I know, but we've had a blast creating posts and finding videos and stories to share with you all! Coming together to create this blog truly made us smile. We hope that we made you smile as well!
     You could have laughed at some of the hilarious trends we shared because they were so ridiculous or because you too, had done them. You could have chuckled or shed a joyous tear over some of the comedian's stories and videos. You could have smiled when you read the heartwarming stories about people going out of their way to do something kind for someone else. Maybe we even inspired you to make a difference in someone's day. If only one of those things was accomplished, then we did our job right.

     Something about this blog that made me smile was, my friends coming together to create it. We started with a blank canvas. Everyone gave ideas and suggestions until the Smile you see today was formed. We all pitched in and wrote the awesome posts you see on the blog now. Working with them and becoming a little blog family has made me smile! I also really enjoyed these two Random Acts of Kindness posts, May I Have Your Autograph Princess? and Tis The Season.

Now onto what's made our bloggers smile!

Sarina's favorite part of the this blog was all the heartwarming stories featured in Random Acts of Kindness. They're so encouraging and yet challenging.

Jason's favorite thing about the blog was Justin's post on Random Acts of Kindness because it was written really well, and overall a great post! (Be sure to check it out one last time here!)

Justin's favorite post was the February 16th, Kids and Comedy - Animals Too.  It was written by Sebastian. (Check it out one last time here!)

Mikey really enjoyed this year's blog! It was his first time being apart of a blog and he really enjoyed the experience. One post that really made him smile was the trends post about silly bands! Check out that post here! (A few years ago he was obsessed with them. He says not to judge him.) He also enjoyed everyone's various comedic posts. They made him smile! He is thankful for this blog because it allowed him to share some of his hilarious stories about his many siblings. He wants to thank everyone who helped make this blog possible.

Gail's favorite part of the blog was the comedy section. She liked that section because it never failed to make her laugh.

That's what has made us smile. What makes you smile? Let us know!

     That's all for Smile! We'd also like to thank all the readers who have kept coming back each week. We've had over 900 page views from multiple countries in the short time we've been here. We truly hope that we've touched your lives through our posts and made your days a little bit brighter. We hope you can take away something good from this blog and go out of your way to make others smile as well. Be bold and do a Random Act of Kindness for someone else! By showing a little kindness you can make someone SMILE, and enough smiles can make our world a better place! ;)

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