Thursday, February 16, 2017

Kids and Comedy- Animals, Too!

Don’t you just love a little child’s crazy antics? What about animals? Do YOU find them as hilarious as I do? If so, then this is the video for you!

            As you probably noticed, a lot of the clips were of ferocious animals trying to attack the young kids. But some of the creatures were just acting out of interest in the child. Whatever the intentions of the animals, these clips make for good entertainment!
           Most of us love kids and their cute little mannerisms. We’re not the only ones, though. Here is a video that demonstrates everyone’s love for children:

(Video credit: YouTube channels Waggle TV and Burjan Falik.) 

           Kids can be great “pals” for animals, and animals can be great “pals” for kids!

          “Give a boy a dog and you've furnished him a playmate.”-Berton Braley
             “No symphony orchestra ever played music like a two-year-old girl laughing with a puppy.”-Bern Williams

  If you are reading this and are a kid, use this one:

  “The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother—and they'll settle for a puppy every time.” -Winston Pendleton

  Do you have any hilarious stories about child/animal interaction? Tell us about it! Please leave a comment below, because we Smile writers would love to know!


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