Sunday, January 22, 2017

Comedy – Tim Hawkins and Little Kids

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     Hi there. Welcome to smile. Today, I am going to talk about something that always makes me smile, Tim Hawkins' videos. I will specifically be talking about his videos involving little kids. You may be wondering who Tim Hawkins is, so let me tell you a little about him. Tim is one of the funniest comedians ever! He often makes up parodies of popular songs, and writes his own songs too. In addition, children, parenting, homeschooling, church, and stories from his childhood are a few of the many things he talks about. He travels around the country and does stand-up comedy shows, has released multiple CD’s and DVD’s, and has countless videos all over youtube as well.

     Little kids are funny things, and with four children, boy does Mr. Hawkins have a lot of inspiration for material! The funniest things come out of the mouths of children. Like that time when his seven year old son wrote him a poem.

     What happened next? The little guy told his dad to make a song out of it… and play it in his show. Watch the video here to see what happened.

     Little kids also do hilarious things. These things sometimes don’t make much sense. Have you ever seen a little boy who likes a little girl? Ah, the classic pigtail pull or maybe even a baby lizard put in her desk. Watch Tim’s take on it here.

     Finally, kids and their toys can get you into some pretty painful and hilarious situations. If you’ve ever stepped on a Lego barefoot, you know what I mean… Check out one of my personal favorites here.

     That’s all for today! Have you ever experienced a situation like this when you were little? Maybe your kids or siblings have done some funny things through the years? Maybe you really love Tim Hawkins? If so, (or if not) leave us a comment below! Thanks for joining me! - Alecta

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