Thursday, January 19, 2017

Weird Trends- Glitter

     Rarely is it ever said by one looking at pictures from their past, “Wow. I was so cool and trendy!” Never, actually. Usually, (well, always), it’s more like, “I WORE THAT!!!???” The reason for this is because trends come and go. Fads die. Sometimes old styles make a comeback (like converse, thankfully), and some die forever (man-buns, hopefully).

     Nostalgia, as defined by, is “a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one’s life…” Everybody experiences this occasionally. Actually, I experienced it the other day. I was thinking about my childhood and then I got to thinking about what I clothed myself in as a kid.

What. Was. I. Thinking.
  (picture credit: google and the mod mermaid.)

      At one point in my childhood the style was anything with glitter on it. All my friends had glitter make up, glitter shirts, glitter pants, even glitter hair! I remember one time a girl was in the bathroom sobbing because some of her (what else?) glittery eye shadow had gotten into her eyes. What is it they say? Oh yeah. Beauty is pain. That was the trend when I was a kid. 

     I’m sure that 30 years from now, I’ll look back and think, “I wore flannel??? Gross!” Yes, my kids will laugh at me, just as I laughed/still laugh at what my parents used to wear. That’s what’s so great about trends, they create generations of family jokes. What is a trend that you, dear reader, remember from your childhood? Comment below! If you were around in the 80’s, please comment below. Thanks everyone! -Sarina

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