Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Trendy Tuesday - Obsessions and Tie-Dye

     Have you ever gone through a phase when you were obsessed with something? Well, maybe not full on obsessed, but you loved it a great deal. Maybe a little too much? I definitely have. Today I'm not talking about a certain singer or band. (Cue the Directioners' squeals now.)  I'm not talking about the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings. (I'm looking at you, homeschoolers.) I'm not talking about the overflowing drawer of hair products and makeup, that you pretend isn't out of control.
Now, I for sure haven't been obsessed with any of these things... *avoids eye contact* but that's beside the point.

     Today I'm talking about Tie-Dye. The wonderful assortment of colors (SO many colors!) in different, interesting designs that can be put on about anything. Normally we make tie-dye shirts, and they can turn out pretty cool! In addition to shirts, you can find tie-dye bedspreads, shoes, backpacks, notebooks, nail polish, and so much more. Tie-dye in itself isn't usually a bad thing. It's when an explosion of all different kinds of tie-dye come together that things can go wrong. 

     Remember when your mom told you, "too much of a good thing can become a bad thing"? It's good life advice. When I was young, it seemed that tie-dye was the coolest thing. In school, lots of kids had tye-dye book covers and school supplies. Little rainbow swirls of color could be spotted here and there. To this day I don't know why, but I loved tie-dye more than I should have. 

     Story Time. One of my favorite tie-dye items was a pair of pants. Oh yes you read that right. PANTS. Not just any pants either, boot cut, valore, sweatpants. >insert cringes here< They were oh so fuzzy and oh so cool. Or so I thought... I wore those pants everywhere, most of the time with a non matching shirt. Thank the Lord we were required to wear uniforms at my school, or they may have made an appearance at picture day. Did I mention they weren't just any kind of tie-dye? They were bright neon orange, hot pink and blue. Yup, just let that sink in. I did not have the greatest fashion sense for a while there. I really wish my mom would have burned them, but I can imagine there was no talking me out of wearing them. There is good news to this story though, I eventually moved on to other fashion trends (a few of which I do regret) and today I dress normally. Phew!

     That's all for today, thanks for joining me! Did you or someone you know go through some interesting clothing stages? Were you too, a little too in love with tie-dye? Is there anything you were obsessed with as a child? Leave a comment in the comments section below! Don't forget to check out all the other blogger's amazing posts while you're here at Smile! - Alecta  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh! In my defense I DID try to talk you out of those pants every time you wanted to wear them. I should have just burned them. ;)