Saturday, January 28, 2017

Random Acts of Kindness - A Smile on Your Face

There are a ton of people in the world, over 7 Billion.  The US has over 300 million but of those, 6,000 people die a day!  These deaths affect a lot of families and friends.  Those people need something to brighten their day, something to make them smile and be happy.  This is the purpose of the blog, to place smiles on the faces of the community.

The world is an interesting place.  It is full of sadness and sorrow, grief and despair. There is also happiness, joy, laughter, and smiles.  Each day you can choose one of these sides.  You can either wake up happy or wake up sad.  With that choice made, it will affect all of the things you do that day until your attitude changes from a circumstance.  Some people can't see happiness through their sorrow and pain, so they need someone to change their outlook on life.

You have probably done or heard of a random act of kindness during your life.  They come as a surprise when you least expect it.  You simply turn around and thank the person. In your mind, you think, Wow!  That was so nice.  This kind of incident often brightens your day and changes your previous thoughts about how "bad" the day started out.  
One day, I was sitting at home eating lunch with the radio turned on and the DJ's were talking about a local McDonald's.  They said there was a guy in the drive thru who paid for the meal of the person behind him.  The next person in line found that his lunch was paid for and decided to turn the favor to someone else.  So he paid for the person behind him.  This continued for over 50 people.  Think about it.  One person spent a little extra money to cheer up someone else and as it turned out, this affected 50 people and brought happiness out of an ordinary day.  

What can you do to make someone's day joyful?  Who is the person feeling depressed that you can make a happy memory for?  This is what I encourage you to do when you see someone lower their head.  Keep your chin up with a smile on your face and you will affect people you walk past on the sidewalk.   - Justin Case

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