Saturday, February 4, 2017

Random Acts of Kindness

“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” –Mark Twain. Kindness is a powerful thing. One kind word can change somebody's entire week. A smile (see what I did there? SMILE…) can impact lives. Proof of these facts is found in the following story:

Everybody goes through hard times. Loss of loved ones, financial turmoil, depression, etc. For young mother Sharon, it was all three and more. She had hit rock bottom but had to keep moving because she had a family depending on her. She had kids depending on her. Every day was a struggle just to get out of bed, but she was a dedicated homeschooling mom of four. So she woke up each morning. Life was tough. She was tougher.

As she dragged herself out of bed on a cold November morning, she knew this day was going to be a hard one. Today marked the one-year anniversary of her twin sister’s death.

“Get up, Sharon. The kids have co-op. Do it for the kids,” she told herself.
     One hour later, like a trooper she had gathered all the kids together and they were on their way to their homeschool co-op.

I feel like I’m forgetting something.
Sharon’s heart sank.

Oh crap. I forgot our lunch. I knew I was missing something.

Scolding herself, she pulled into a Tim Horton’s drive through and ordered lunch for the four hungry mouths in the back of her mini-van.

“Will that be all for you ma’am?”


“Alrighty. Your total will be $39.54.”

Sharon’s stomach did somersaults as she drove up to the next window.

Just give the guy your credit card, the kids have to eat. It’ll be okay.

She handed her credit card to the man behind the window, swallowing down bile as she did so.

“Oh, actually ma’am, the person in front of you wanted to pay for your meal. They told me to tell you ‘God bless.’ ”

What the????

“Are you ok ma’am?”

“Oh yes, yes. Thank you. Can I do this for the person behind me?”

Do you see what I mean? You never know what someone is going through, so be kind. You don’t know how much you could impact someone, so be kind. Whatever you do, Be. Kind.

What random act of kindness will YOU commit to this week? Comment below!

Thanks guys!


P.S. This was based off of a true story! :)


Anonymous said...

What an amazing story!

Anonymous said...

A great quote and a great story.